What is Osteopathy?
It is Thinking Outside the Box!
Osteopathy is the science of natural medicine that studies the human body by considering the totality of its interrelated systems. Osteopathy is based on biomechanical principals as applied to the body. The main emphasis of the diagnosis and treatment is the restoration of structural integrity of the body.
- Structure governs function.
- The body regulates itself.
- The rule of the artery is absolute.
- The body is a functional unit.

Why choose classical osteopathy
“Osteopathy embraces the interplay of structural organizing dynamics and metabolic activities that give rise to functioning. It recognizes the inherent wisdom and intelligence within every cell.” – A.T.Still
Personalized Treatment
You will receive a full individualized treatments
Licensed Therapists
Your treatment will be performed by only licensed therapist
Experienced Practitioners
I am trained in Traditional medicine and Classical Osteopathy
Methods used
I use gentle techniques to evoke the body’s own healing powers
Practitioners Network
I will work closely with all your health practitioners
Therapy Goals
Setting goals is the best way to promote a successful outcome
Complementary therapies
“An osteopath reasons from his knowledge of anatomy. He compares the work of the abnormal body with the normal body.” – A.T.Still
Client Testimonials
Contact me
Osteopathy is unregulated in Ontario. Be aware that all osteopathic practitioners do not have the same training. Insurance companies will re-imbers the fees for osteopathic practitioners who are members of “Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners and members of Ontario Osteopathic Association” . Any patient seeking treatment should inquire as to training of the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner that he is consulting with. Visit www.osteopathyontario.org to find one near you.