Below are a list of diseases which may seem unrelated to the purpose of your appointment. However, these questions must be answered carefully as these problems can affect your overall course of care.
CHECK ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES YOU HAVE HAD: PneumoniaRheumatismPolioTuberculosisWhooping CoughPleurisySmall PoxDiabetesCancerHeart DiseaseThyroidGoutArthritisEpilepsyMental DisorderEczemaAnemiaOther
HEALTH HABITS: Atcohol (>2 drinks per week)Cigarettes
Do You Exercise Regularly? YesNo
How would you rate your nutrition? ExcellentFairPoor
Have you been tested HIV positive? YesNo
MUSCULO-SKELETAL CODE Low Back PainPain between ShouldersNeck PainShoulder PainArm PainMid back Painjoint Pain/StiffnessWalking ProblemsDifficult Chewing/Clicking JawGeneral StiffnessMuscle Twitching/SpasmsSwollen jointsPain Legs/FeetSciatica NERVOUS SYSTEM CODE NervousLoss of BalanceNumbnessDizzinessForgetfulness (Memory/Concentration)DepressionConvulsionsNumber/Tingling ExtremitiesStressFatigue/Low EnergyAllergies/Hay feverLoss of Sleep / Sleep troubleFeverHeadachesInner Tension/StressIrritability GASTRO-INTESTINAL CODE Poor/Excessive ApetiteExcessive ThirstFrequent NauseaVommiting / DiarrheaConstipationHemorrhoidsLiver ProblemGall Bladder ProblemsWeight TroubleAbdominal CrampsIndigestionGas/Bloating after MealsHeartburnBlack/Bloody StoolColitisUlcers
GENITO-URINARY CODE Bladder TroublePainful/Excessive UrinationDiscolored UrineKidney Trouble CARDIO- VASCULAR CODE Chest PainShortness of BreathHigh Blood PressureHigh CholesterolIrregular HeartbeatHeart ProblemsLung Problems/CongestionVaricose VeinsAnkle SwellingStrokeAsthma EENT CODE Vision ProblemDental ProblemsSore ThroatEar AcheHearing DifficultSinus TroubleLoss of SmellLoss of TasteRinging in ears MALES ONLY CODE ProstateSexual Dysfunction
The following members have the same or similar problem as I do: MotherFatherBrotherSisterSpouseChild FEMALES ONLY Menstrual IrregularityMenstrual CrampsVaginal Pain/InfectionBreast Pain/LumpsOther
Are you pregnant? YesNoNot Sure
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